Tesla Confirms Full Self-Driving Subscription Arriving in Next 4 Months

Tesla Confirms Full Self-Driving Subscription Arriving in Next 4 Months
Tesla Confirms Full Self-Driving Subscription Arriving in Next 4 Months

Elon tweeted that soon one would be able to subscribe to FSD and that it would be rolled out in Q2 2021: "Q2 for sure". I am ready to film some real FSD videos after attempting roundabouts with basic Autopilot. 😃

He followed up that tweet with "Note, buying FSD will still be a better long-term deal than subscription", which was to be expected with FSD costing $10,000 at the moment.

Like Joe Eschbach (@Joe_Eschbach), I would like to take a longer test of the FSD Beta and put it through its paces. I've been eagerly waiting for the subscription since Elon announced it would come this year.

https://twitter.com/Joe_Eschbach/status/1366167537017364480?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1366167537017364480%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.graydon schwartz.com%2Fwp-admin%2Fpost.php%3Fpost%3D23518action%3Dedit

There is merit in buying FSD outright and owning it for the lifetime of the car, but what if you are interested in switching from a Tesla Model 3 to a Tesla Model Y? You would have to buy FSD again for $10,000. Unfortunately, it is linked to the car and not to the Tesla account.

However, if you paid for these software features with a monthly subscription, you could actually cancel the subscription until your new Tesla arrives and re-activate the subscription or pay full price for the lifetime of the car.

I am in favor of this additional option as I am mainly interested in entering the FSD beta and creating content about the amazing new advances in full self-driving car technology.

Thanks to workthrowawayhunter2 on Reddit for bringing up an important discovery. If your state has a personal property tax, you will want to buy FSB after delivery, otherwise you could be looking at an additional $400 / year or $35 / month, at least in case of a state like Virginia, since the $10k is not included in the value of the car come tax time.

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